a cavalcade of hits and misses

Posts tagged ‘Chipotle’

Fish In A Barrel

I do not buy into the argument shooters only go to or will start going to “gun free zones.” I doubt they plan enough to investigate where “gun free zones” are. They are intent on scaring, hurting, and killing as many people as possible. They plan on being where they can shoot the most people. Where in your community do you find the most people gathered into one place that is relatively contained? Malls, schools, churches/synagogues/mosques, office buildings, rush hour traffic. Why do you think mass shootings happen in those places? Do you really think it is because they are “gun free zones”? Why do you think it is the open carry “free speech” supporters  are bringing their long guns into stores and restaurants, like Target, Home Depot, and Sonic? Hunters don’t go to “gun free zones” during duck or deer season. Hunters go where they expect the most duck or deer to be.

There is a reason for the phrase “shooting fish in a barrel.”